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Kelly looks at the horrible shirt she'll have to wear to participate in this charity turkey giveaway

What to Wear for a TV Interview or a Video Production Shoot

CEO, Indigo Productions It never ceases to amaze me how many people – including VERY high-profile people – show up for television and video shoots wearing clothes that look terrible on camera. A proper wardrobe is critical.  Viewers decide whether they like you and trust you almost instantly, and what

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Broadway in NYC

Netflix Brings Marvel To Life in New York

In comic book mythology, the Marvel Universe is set squarely in New York. From Spider-Man’s home base of Queens to the Fantastic Four’s headquarters, the Baxter Building in Midtown to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village to the Avengers Mansion located on 890 Fifth Avenue, Marvel’s locations have become

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Indigo Productions Featured As Global Leader in Video Production on Clutch

Indigo Productions recently secured a place among leading B2B service providers worldwide as one of 15 Global Leaders in video production. This award was given by Clutch, a ratings and reviews platform that examines over 7,000 video production companies, marketing agencies, and IT companies. Their research aims to give business

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Movie theater best movies of 2018

The 15 Must See Movies Of 2018

Although 2017 has just ended, it’s hard not to get excited about the upcoming film slate for 2018. With so many films being released, it’s sometimes hard to navigate which films should be seen in a theater with an audience, versus streaming it at home. All of these anticipated films

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