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Kelly looks at the horrible shirt she'll have to wear to participate in this charity turkey giveaway

What to Wear for a TV Interview or a Video Production Shoot

CEO, Indigo Productions It never ceases to amaze me how many people – including VERY high-profile people – show up for television and video shoots wearing clothes that look terrible on camera. A proper wardrobe is critical.  Viewers decide whether they like you and trust you almost instantly, and what

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The Special Shoot Trailer

It’s not uncommon for blockbuster movies to earn over $100 million at the box office, which means that the marketing of films is an essential, and oftentimes expensive, part of the equation.  With opening weekend dates carved out years in advance, audience awareness is essential, which is often why a

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Tokyo skyline

American Celebrity Commercials in Japan

Imagine for a moment you’re watching your favorite TV, show and when the series cuts to commercial, you suddenly see Bruce Willis hawking coffee or Arnold Schwarzenegger promoting an energy drink. While this level of celebrity endorsement isn’t common in the United States, in Japan advertisers pay exorbitant fees for actors

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I love New York

10 Things That Make New York Awesome

The cultural and financial capital of the world, New York is one of the most unique and influential cities in the world, affecting commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. And without a doubt, it’s one of the most awesome places on Earth. Here are ten reasons

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Photo by David Shankbone

TV Commercials by Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema.  What many people don’t know about this Oscar-winning film director is that he’s also directed numerous music videos and TV series, as well as scores of television commercials. Scorsese’s legendary storytelling

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Short film set with large overhead light

5 Shorts That Became Feature Films

The best calling card that any filmmaker can present is actual work, which is why so often music video directors find themselves courted by Hollywood.  More often, short films tend to capture producers’ attention as they give an immediate impression of a director’s visual style and storytelling skills.  These directors

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