Video Studios

Indigo can provide you with the most versatile film, photo, and video studios in New York City. Whether you have a small project and need a simple set up for product shots or a hanger to house full-sized sets, we can make it happen for you!

The advantage of shooting in a studio is that you can control everything about the shoot. You never have to worry about the weather, lighting, time, or other environmental factors. We oversee all aspects of your studio production so you enjoy a hassle-free experience.

Most studios come with many amenities so you can enjoy yourself while on set. Services include wi-fi, office / meeting areas, catering, set storage, and more.

Studios have private make-up and dressing rooms, green rooms, soundproof rooms for voice recording, and musical performances. Others have private theaters for screening your footage or control rooms where you can view the action as it happens on set.

Do you need a video studio for your shoot for your video production? Do you like video studios with all the amenities at your fingertips? Let Indigo Productions handle your next studio production!

A student adjusting a lighting rig during a very high profile video shoot featuring Madonna and Justin Timberlake
Woman operates boom and mixer for professional film shoot
Green screen video production and creative services
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