Media Training for Executives

Indigo Productions teaches executives and other professionals essential strategies for managing any kind of media interview or appearance, whether for broadcast television or corporate video.

We understand the need and importance of delivering a clear and concise message under pressure – particularly in today’s challenging media-driven world.

Our highly practical strategies for teaching media skills have helped hundreds of business professionals deliver strong and effective content with confidence and clarity.

Our expert trainers educate and empower your executives to gain confidence, communicate powerfully, and deliver compelling messages to any audience. All of our trainers possess proven track records as knowledgeable media experts as well as extensive backgrounds in journalism, television production and performance, corporate communications, and social media.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Prepare for every type of interview
  • Understand the importance of appearance, body language, energy, and eye contact
  • Develop a strong message and stay on point
  • Speak with clarity, purpose, and credibility
  • Gain practical experience through mock interviews and immediate feedback
  • Handle difficult or confrontational interactions
  • Use any interview environment to their advantage, whether it’s for corporate video, Live TV, radio, phone, skype, or social media
  • Develop relationships with press and promotional outlets
  • Utilize all aspects of the production (ie: background, ambient sound, attire, camera angles) to one’s advantage

We empower participants to communicate clearly and effectively to any audience. Participants will learn how to:

  • Prepare a framework for every presentation
  • Learn the importance of appearance, body language, energy, and eye-contact
  • Develop a strong style and powerful content
  • Captivate audiences and convince them to act on recommendations
  • Compose and deliver PowerPoint or tabletop presentations with structure, confidence, and clarity
  • Practice delivering live, taped, video conference, or skype presentations

Do you want to be at your best when you are interviewed for television or other media?  Do you want to learn the most important media training tips on how to manage a television interview?  

Let Indigo Productions handle your advanced media training for executives.

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